common interview questions

15 Common Interview Questions

#interview #interviewquestion #developer #15commoninterviewquestion #interviewquestionsfordeveloper 
It a while that your are searching for a job or want to change the job. Finally the wait is over and your are called for Interview. Worried what questions you may face, here are common interview question for developer that you may face during your Interview.

If you’re wondering what to say, we’ve got you covered when you’re sitting opposite a real life hiring manager! Tech job interviews are nothing to dread, particularly when (and some curveballs as well) you have already practiced the most likely questions. That’s why we scoured the internet to gather detailed lists of popular questions raised during job interviews with web developers, AND tips on how to plan for and respond to them. You have this!

First Things first !!
Before you go for an Interview Prepare these things :
1. Know about company(research more about company)
2. Dress Well ( Try to be formal, wear formal dress, atleast a good looking casuals)
3. Carry your documents ( Certifiates or recognitions )
4. Be On time ( Be At the interview place atleast 30 min prior to your interview time, and checkin only before 10 mins – Ask at reception that you are here for Interview)
5. Be confident and Realistic ( Don’t be nervous and always tell the truth)
6. Greeting ( when you are in interview, say Hi,Hello (greeting) to your interviewer,  smile first 🙂 ) .

Now, You are infront of your interviwer or Group Of interviwer try listen them well, their names, postions and etc.

Lets Start a real Deal,

What May be the 15 Commom Interview Questions you may face during your Interview

1. Tell Me/us ABout Yourself ? 

Tip : They Already know about you, They have your CV,Resume, Cover Letter and background check and may know you better than yourself Professionally. Try to tell them what you can bring into this postion with that organization.

2. Why Are you into Development ?

Tip : It’s a common pitfall to interview for a job and never explicitly say WHY you want to work in this specific field or for this particular employer/company. Even if the question doesn’t get asked, find a way to touch on it during the interview.

3. How do you like to work In team or alone ?

Tip : Understand the working style and preferences so it lines up with the way your corporation has structured its team.

4. What is important to you?

Tip : You may have various Option to choose from like , (a) new skill (b) career growth (c) good team (d) High Salary (e) good work environment.

5. You promised a deadline for a project/task a month ago which now looks difficult to achieve because of some unexpected issues. You just have a week to deliver from today. What do you do? OR How do you prioritize projects? 

Tip :For this question, you’re evaluating how well the person manages his or her time. Software engineers often have to work under pressure with tight deadlines. Task management is an important quality for exceeding in the role.

6. if you run into a problem, and your colleague is sitting 2 computers next to you. What do you do?Tip : You May have options to choose from, find the best way to solve.

a. Email him
b. go to him and ask question
c. Ping Him ans ask for availability
d. wait until he is free
e. call manager
f. Google it until you find solution

7. Do you think asking for help is a sign of weakness?

Tip : Mentioning that you need to  be a team player and asking for help with team member or anyone is always a good Idea.

8. Rate yourself for “Attention to Detail”.

Tip : How seriously do you take the things even a smallest issue or big one. Tell how do you handle situation or think, look about it.

9. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Tip : Time to tell more about yourself but professinally .

10. Can you give us some examples of projects you’ve run or tested and describe your involvement? 

Tip :  This time you better talk about past experience or past workes, if not professional experience tell what you have done during learning period.

11. What is the biggest website/application your team has built and what was your role? And how long it took to complete?

Tip:  Your biggest project done ever or most important projects completed toboost your profile.

12. Are you familiar with code versioning tools, such as Git/Mercurial/SVN? 

Tip:  If you have used any of these before.

13. How do you rate yourself on an eye for design?

Tip : How you see the design and what you want to see in design.

14. You got a code from another team member but has lots of error , what would you do ?

Tip : This question allows you to look into how the interviewee potentially works with others. Their response is very telling as to whether the person is a team player.

15. Why are you interested in joining our company ?

Tip :  Time to bring up your research about company and tell them why you want to be part of it and don’t forget to explain why you want to change from your current job to this (if any).

These are the common but most important questions you may encounter while facing an interview beside these at last or at the end you mat face question like ;

  • How much salary do you need or what is your expectations ?
  • Do you have any questions ?

For these questions try to be more confident always ask them questions like when will you hear back from them, or how long do I need to wait for outcome?, or anything?
For expectations  part don’t directly tell your salary need , tell them like first you want to disscuss more about roles and opportunity.

More  tips from Inc
10 Ways to Rock your Interview from Huffpost

Don’t be limited to these only , prepareat your best and be confident Good luck !!

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